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Why We’re Returning to the Esports World Cup with League, TFT, and VALORANT
VALORANT Confirmed for Esports World Cup 2025
LoL, VALORANT and TFT join the Esports World Cup 2025
Why is Riot bringing Valorant into the Esports World Cup 2025?
VALORANT officially joins the Esports World Cup alongside LoL …
Why ‘Valorant’ Is Joining ‘LoL’ And ‘TFT’ At The Esports World Cup
Every Riot Esport Joins the Esports World Cup — TFT, Valorant, …
Valorant named new Esports World Cup title under partnership …
VALORANT, League of Legends and TFT join Esports World Cup
Valorant to join Esports World Cup with LoL and TFT as Riot
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