As a city of culture, Aschaffenburg comes with palaces, parks and museums. The visitor may discover and experience the ever changing history of the city within short walking distances.
In addition to the Pompejanum, two representative buildings are the most noticeable cultural assets of Aschaffenburg throughout its history of more than 1000 years: the collegiate church …
Geruchsbelästigung im Landkreis und Stadt Aschaffenburg Heute gegen 19.15 Uhr konnte die Feuerwehr die Ursache für die in mehreren Orten des Landkreises Aschaffenburg in der Stadt …
The area "Citizens in Aschaffenburg" contains an overview of the services which are provided by the city of Aschaffenburg to their citizens. In the category "Culture & Tourism", you can find …
Aschaffenburg cultural prize winners Andrea Müller and Helmut Massenkeil share a studio complex that includes a sculpture garden. The freelance artists have turned this tranquil …
Nov 9, 2023 · Dieser Vorschlag wurde mittels Schriftverkehr an die Stadt Aschaffenburg herangetragen. Ludwig Roth (1900-1945), jüdischer Lehrer, ermodert im KZ Groß-Rosen …
Aschaffenburgs longest friendship was established in 1956. From early on, Aschaffenburg and the Scottish Peth have enjoyed an intense and friendly contact. Further Information on Perth can …
Mondoví (IT) in 2023, Graz (AT) in 2024, Aschaffenburg (DE), and Montpellier (FR) in 2025. The project NEWS FROM HOME by Anne Fehres and Luke Conroy, an artist duo specializing in …
The Lord Mayor is the head of the Municipal Administration of Aschaffenburg and he is the head of the Department of general and Cultural Administration at the same time. The mayor, who is …
The 50-year anniversary of the town twinning with Perth was a celebration full of atmosphere in 2006 during the "Kulturtage"(culture days) of Aschaffenburg, bearing the title of "Happy …