Chido Obi-Martin had been playing with the United academy team before he was promoted to the first-team squad by new manager ...
Microsoft og vores tredjepartsleverandører bruger cookies til at gemme og få adgang til oplysninger, som f.eks. entydige ...
Chido Obi-Martin med: Her er U21-landsholdstruppen ‘Den bedste fodboldkamp, jeg har været en del af’ Ufarlige tyskere må lade ...
Steffen Højer kan godt blive bekymret for Oliver Provstgaard, hvis danskeren ikke får nok spilletid i Lazio inden U21-EM til sommer Oliver Provstgaard har været stærkt medvirkende til ...
Steffen Højer kan godt blive bekymret for Oliver Provstgaard, hvis danskeren ikke får nok spilletid i Lazio inden U21-EM til sommer.
British comedian and political commentator John Oliver said he won’t be heading home to the United Kingdom under President Trump’s second term, opting instead to go “down with the Titanic.” ...
John Oliver fans will no longer have to wait nearly a week to catch new episodes of the comedian’s popular Last Week Tonight series for free on YouTube. On Sunday, the British comedian ...
Liberal HBO host John Oliver lamented the state of America on “The Late Show,” but insisted he would be “going down with the Titanic” rather than fleeing back to the U.K. The host of HBO ...
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver kicked off its new season Sunday on HBO and Max. To fans’ surprise and delight, the episode also was made available on YouTube the same night. This is a ...
During the winter transfer session, Lazio signed three young players in the shape of Arijon Ibrahimovic, Reda Belahyane and Oliver Provstgaard, but none of them has set foot on the pitch thus far. The ...
During the winter transfer session, Lazio signed three young players in the shape of Arijon Ibrahimovic, Reda Belahyane and Oliver Provstgaard, but none of them has set foot on the pitch thus far. The ...