If you don't pay what you owe on your taxes when you request an extension, you might get hit with an underpayment penalty. To ...
This week’s flurry of high-profile NBA trades got us to wondering about the most consequential trades involving former Cal ...
Sometimes, it's shocking how similar actors' kids look to their famous parents. When those actors need someone to play a ...
HONOLULU (AP) — Jim Becker, a world-traveling journalist who covered Jackie Robinson’s big-league baseball debut ... of the ...
Former District Attorney Jackie Johnson cleared of legal wrongdoing in the investigation of Ahmaud Arbery's murder following a judge dismissing two charges against her near the end of her Glynn County ...
Former District Attorney Jackie Johnson has long denied influencing police who initially decided against making arrests when Arbery was fatally shot nearly five years ago in coastal Glynn County ...
BRUNSWICK, Ga. — Shortly after a judge threw out a felony indictment against former Brunswick District Attorney Jackie Johnson on Wednesday, ending her trial on charges that she abused her power ...
Former District Attorney Jackie Johnson for years denied influencing police who initially decided against making arrests when Arbery was fatally shot in coastal Glynn County, where Johnson then ...