Wanatu, a new e-hailing service operating in Centurion and Pretoria, has gained notable attention, but it could potentially face legal challenges. Launched in October 2024 and funded by private investors, Wanatu requires Afrikaans proficiency for its drivers.
MyBroadband’s comparison of typical road speed limits in 34 countries found South Africa’s highway speed limit was generally on par with developed countries but its urban speed limit is higher.
South Africa's Democratic Alliance (DA) party declared itself in dispute with the Government of National Unity (GNU) on Saturday, accusing it of failing to consult its coalition partners on bills relating to health and land expropriation.
However, the South African Photovoltaïc Industry Association (Sapvia) expects a big comeback for the technology in 2025 and 2026.
South Africa’s Democratic Alliance declared a dispute within the nation’s coalition government, days after President Cyril Ramaphosa assented to a new law that will make it easier for the state to expropriate land.
South African police say a suspected illegal gold mining ringleader escaped from custody with help from police officers about a week after resurfacing from a disused mine in South Africa where 246 survivors were rescued and 78 bodies were retrieved last week.
Tariffs proposed by US President Donald Trump will likely have an inflationary impact on South Africa, according to the chief executive officer of one of the country’s largest banks.
South Africa increased coal exports from the biggest terminal on the continent for the first time in seven years after an improvement in rail shipments by state-owned logistics company Transnet SOC Ltd.
More than 1,700 Black South African servicemen who died in non-combat roles on the Allied side during World War I and have no known grave have been recognized with a memorial more than a century later.
South African retail sales jumped in November as consumers benefited from last year's interest rate cuts, declining inflation and a pension reform that allowed fund members to make partial withdrawals before retirement.
South Africa is focusing on implementing growth-enhancing reforms not regaining its investment-grade credit rating, which could take two years or more, its finance minister said on Monday.