Shaina Potts’s Judicial Territory examines how the American legal system created an economic environment that subordinated the entire world to domestic business interests.
When Britain, France and Israel attempted to seize back the Suez Canal from Egypt’s Colonel ... In Asia, having ended the barbarity of Japanese imperialism in the 1940s, America was the ...
There were hinge moments in history when the US displayed its character as global leader, such as Dwight Eisenhower’s repudiation of Anglo-French imperialism in the 1956 Suez crisis, or Ronald ...
The Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 was not only a critical moment for ... The Soviets viewed the British and French intervention as an example of imperialism and sought to use the crisis to gain influence ...
[8] Therefore, just as in 1956, when Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal in a grand gesture of Egyptian triumph ... [22] What came next was a precursor to Nasser’s call for a war against American ...
In 1956 he nationalised the Suez Canal and secured Britain’s evacuation of the Canal ... Firstly, he considered Israel a bridge-head of Western imperialism, a conspiracy theory that gained some ...
As efforts failed to dislodge it, the Ever Given became a symbol of Covid-era anxiety as the pandemic entered its second year ...
CAIRO, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Egypt's Suez Canal Authority chairman Osama Rabei said on Sunday that 47 ships have been rerouted from Cape of Good Hope to Suez Canal since the start of February.