Spotify has launched a program to publish audiobooks from independent authors, focusing on a few genres to start.
Skich is ‘specifically for mobile gamers’ — but has no games available at launch.
Skich Store is now available to download on iOS from the platform’s official website. Of course, since it requires sideloading, only iPhone and iPad users in the EU can install the new App Marketplace ...
Android users should be careful what they download from the Google Play store, as security researchers recently found a ...
Skich is a new competitor in the alternative app store market that is offering a new discoverability-focused take on the ...
AppFolio (APPF) closed at $206.65 in the latest trading session, marking a -1.71% move from the prior day. This move lagged the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.91%. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a drop of ...