Spring break is here, and so is allergy season. Over the weekend, Oak pollen counts increased tenfold, from a count of 59 on Friday, March 7, to over 400 on Monday, March 10. And these pollen counts ...
Read more <a href="https://www.kxan.com/weather-traffic-qas/is-cedar-fever-real-or-just-a-myth/">https://www.kxan.com/weather-traffic-qas/is-cedar-fever-real-or-just ...
Certified Meteorologist Mike Grogan explains why the return of Red Cedar pollen season might be affecting your allergies.
As a Tree City USA, Tallahassee boasts a lush canopy – but for allergy sufferers, that beauty comes at a cost.
With “cedar fever” impacting many people every year, it’s no wonder that some grow to hate mountain cedar and its dreaded pollen. Because everyone reacts differently to a mountain cedar ...
The entirety of the September harvest was specifically engineered to combat hay fever associated with Japanese cedar pollen. Hay fever is caused by allergies brought on by the immune system ...
Texas Lottery Commission says it is banning all lottery courier services in the state. Lawmakers want to know why the agency did not do this sooner, and why it passed rules that went against state ...
The term “Cedar Fever” is well known in the Southeast for a reason – this tree’s OPALS rating of 10 means its pollen is among the most potent. While red cedars provide valuable windbreaks ...