Reviewed by JeFreda R. Brown Sales of recorded music crashed in the dawn of the internet age as pirates ruled the digital waves and music lovers found that anything could be downloaded for free. Those ...
The long-form audio format has attracted listeners and advertisers for years. But as the podcast medium shifts to video, will ...
Spotify has about 640 million monthly active users (MAUs) versus 35.7 million paid SiriusXM clients and 43.7 million MAUs on the Pandora platform. Moreover, Spotify's customer counts are growing ...
These playlists are now available to stream through its mobile app, functioning as music services such as Spotify and Pandora, for a further connection to music lovers and to encourage app loyalty.
Now that Spotify has built up a desktop presence, it is shifting the focus to mobile with the release of a free mobile music streaming application, but it is late to arrive to the channel compared to ...