Amid complaints from animal welfare activists that declawing cats is cruel and often unnecessary, Illinois lawmakers have ...
The debate over declawing cats is heating up as more U.S. states move towards banning the procedure. While some argue that declawing prevents damage to furniture and reduces the risk of scratches, ...
Declawing your cat in the state of Virginia will soon be illegal. Pet owners and veterinarians who violate this new law could face some hefty fines. In April, Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed a bill ...
A vet has slammed the practice of 'declawing' cats - which is outlawed in the UK but still permitted in several states across the pond - and branded it as 'barbaric'. Taking to social media ...
So the short answer is no, declawing cats is not currently illegal in New Hampshire, as a bill to ban the practice was ...
explains just how awful the practice of declawing is for them — and their animal nature. Follow Tech Insider: On Facebook More from Science Cats and scratches go hand-in-hand. Ever since we've ...
Our New Hampshire legislature is deciding the outcome of House Bill 201, which would ban the inhumane practice of declawing cats. The Concord Monitor article on Jan. 22 covered Michelle Conroy’s ...
State Assemblymember Alex Lee (D-Milpitas) introduced a bill on Thursday to outlaw the practice of cat declawing in the state, calling it inhumane. "Cat declawing, the amputation of the first ...
“We do not have any statistics that demonstrate that New Hampshire has a problem with our veterinarians performing cat declawing procedures for nonmedical reasons.” She also argued the fines ...