Zipline’s aircraft have delivered vaccine doses, blood samples, and other medical supplies on four continents.
You own the ground below in your backyard, but the air above it is owned or regulated by the FAA," he explained. "It's a federal crime to shoot down any aircraft. We consider drones an aircraft ...
Amazon’s drones met more resistance in College Station, Texas, than in any other city in the US. Now they’re gone—and a sense ...
Amazon's delivery drones were met with resistance in a small Texas town, but that isn't why Amazon grounded its next-gen ...
Amazon is using drones to deliver packages in North America, and the company came to Germany to talk about it. Speaking ...
The healthcare industry is testing the technology, hoping it will allow them to transport supplies more quickly and cheaply.
Belarus said on Thursday that it's open to hosting the Russian factory, which would help expand Moscow's production outside ...
The wildfires began accidentally when someone in Suffolk County tried to light a fire to make s’mores, officials said. They ...
Since the program launched, many College Station residents have been outspoken about the disturbance they said Prime Air’s ...
Additionally, The increased use of these unauthorized flying test devices in the backyard and windows has increased threats to national security worl ...